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Compass Hope

Pregnant? Unprepared? Conflicted?

We Are Here to Help

Compass Hope believes God is the Creator of life. If you are pregnant, the baby you are carrying is extremely important to him. We are here to help you make the best possible decisions for you and your child.

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If you have a friend who is pregnant and is planning to abort her baby, know that God has put you in her life for a reason. Pray for her. Try to talk to her and reason with her according to Scripture and logic. Let her know we are here for her too. If you are wondering how to be the best friend you can be to her, contact us for encouragement.


If you are the baby’s father, God holds you responsible for this life as well. If you are a Christian, be willing and ready to come alongside and support your girlfriend through her pregnancy. If you aren’t a Christian, you will still need help with the decisions you are about to make. Please contact us. We are here for you too.


If your family member is pregnant and considering aborting the baby, you have the potential to influence her decision. Pray God would not allow her to feel peace about ending the baby’s life. See if she will sit down and listen to you explain to her why this is a decision that cannot be taken lightly. Please feel free to contact us for guidance and support.