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Compass Women

Compass Women offers many exciting opportunities for women of all ages to join us as we learn to trust in God and his word.

Meeting Times

Women’s Bible Study
Tuesday & Wednesday | 9:30am-11:30am
Tuesday | 6:30pm-8:30pm

Led by

Stephanie Schwartz

About Compass women

Compass Women offers many exciting opportunities for women of all ages to join us as we learn to trust in God and his word.

Check out the links below, and get involved with us today. And make sure to follow Compass Women on Instagram!

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What’s Happening

Women’s Bible Study

Navigating Motherhood

Women & Faith

Women’s Spring Tea

PM for CW

Summer Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study Podcast

Compass Women’s Ministry offers an outstanding free weekly Women’s Bible Study, which provides sound Bible teaching, thought-provoking homework, Christ-centered worship, and purposeful discussion groups.

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Women’s Bible Study Teachings

Jennifer Morris - April 22, 2015

Stolen Gods

Judges 17-18

From Series: "Judges: Sin, Salvation, and Strange Stuff (2014-2015)"

Take the plunge with us this year into the ancient and shocking world recorded in the Old Testament book of Judges. We will learn much from the people of Israel as we watch them become more and more like those around them due to their disinterest in God’s word, coupled with their longing to be “in” with their non-believing neighbors. We will realize that like ancient Israel, we women are easily swayed by the influence of the world and frequently want to “fit in” too. The cycles of sin, crying out to God, and deliverance in Judges demonstrate clearly that allowing compromise will lead to spiritual failure, regret, and the discipline of God. On the other hand, God’s compassion, patience, faithfulness, rule, and justice are also evident as we observe the way he deals with his people. Judges tells the stories of some pretty amazing characters such as Gideon, Samson, Deborah, and a few less familiar ones you will never forget.

More Messages from Jennifer Morris...

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Following Jesus

Through the gospels in a year.

Seeking Wisdom

Through the Proverbs in a year.

Online Prayer Journal

We have a daily online prayer journal to help you keep track of your prayers personally, for your family, friends and church. You’ll need to request a login to gain access.

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