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Compass Women

Compass Women offers many exciting opportunities for women of all ages to join us as we learn to trust in God and his word.

Meeting Times

Women’s Bible Study
Tuesday & Wednesday | 9:30am-11:30am
Tuesday | 6:30pm-8:30pm

Led by

Stephanie Schwartz

About Compass women

Compass Women offers many exciting opportunities for women of all ages to join us as we learn to trust in God and his word.

Check out the links below, and get involved with us today. And make sure to follow Compass Women on Instagram!

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What’s Happening

Women’s Bible Study

Navigating Motherhood

Women & Faith

Women’s Spring Tea

PM for CW

Summer Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study Podcast

Compass Women’s Ministry offers an outstanding free weekly Women’s Bible Study, which provides sound Bible teaching, thought-provoking homework, Christ-centered worship, and purposeful discussion groups.

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Women’s Bible Study Teachings

Jennifer Morris - January 27, 2016

Eyes On The Prize

1Corinthians 9:24-27

From Series: "1 Corinthians: Living for Christ In a World That Isn't (2015-2016)"

The ancient city of Corinth was the place to be in the first century. People from all walks of life were able to access just about everything imaginable in this bustling town. But Corinth had a dark side and was known as the “sin city” of her day, where many degraded themselves with the immoral excesses offered. Nevertheless, God reached into this depraved region and called out a group of people to be made righteous through faith in his Son, Jesus. But how would the young church survive in this corrupt environment? Where should they break ties with the culture in Corinth, and what new practices must they embrace as people living for the glory of God? From attitude adjustments and spiritual gifts to sexual behavior, this book is loaded with practical advice on topics relevant to God’s people throughout all times.

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