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Women & Faith

Basic Christian truth for beginners.

Led by

Stephanie Schwartz

About Women & Faith

How can I know God?
Is there a purpose for my life?
What does it mean to have faith?

Women & Faith welcomes women of all ages to learn about and discuss basic Christian truth. We enjoy dinner together, followed by teaching, and wrap up with small group time.

Childcare for infants through 6th grade is provided by our Kids Bible Club, free of charge!  Registration is required.

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What’s Happening

Women & Faith Podcast

Join Stephanie Schwartz, the Director of our Women’s Ministry, along with guests, as they casually discuss living as Christian women in light of a variety of practical topics. Email topic suggestion or questions to [email protected].

Listen Now

Get Involved


Click to register now for Women’s Bible Study! WBS meets Tuesdays (9:30am & 6:30pm) and Wednesdays (9:30am).

For moms with young kids

Find out about this exciting ministry!


Following Jesus

Through the gospels in a year.

Seeking Wisdom

Through the Proverbs in a year.

Online Prayer Journal

We have a daily online prayer journal to help you keep track of your prayers personally, for your family, friends and church. You’ll need to request a login to gain access.

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